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Hill Tract photographs ©2008 Byron Jorjorian

“Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts.”

—Rachel Carson

Frequently Asked Questions

Q What is an old-growth forest?

A An old-growth forest, sometimes called a virgin forest, has a high density of very old trees and has experienced little disturbance by habitation and has never been logged.

Q Why is that important?

A Old-growth forests are often home to diverse and sometimes rare plants and animals that live there because the area has been undisturbed. These forests often create unique environmental conditions that attract species.

Q How old are the trees?

A Early estimates indicate that the trees average more than 200 years old—one of the oldest forest stands in Middle Tennessee.

Q Has the property ever been logged?

A Caretakers of the property since the 1930s confirm that no logging has been done since then, and there are no stumps or other evidence associated with past logging found there.

Q Why expand the Warner Parks?

A The expansion will protect the views of unspoiled nature and accommodate the ever-increasing usage of the Parks by Nashvillians.

Q Why does the property need protection from development?

A Opening the land to residential and commercial development would damage the ecosystem and destroy pristine scenery.

Q Where is the property located?

A Between Highway 70S and Highway 100, across Highway 100 from the Warner Parks. MAP

Q How does the new acquisition affect educational opportunities at Warner Parks?

A The seldom-seen varieties of trees, plants and animals offer insights into biology and ecology. The adjacent property also includes the largest known cave in Davidson County—making it the only cave in a Metro Park.

Q Does the site have any endangered species?

A While none have been noted so far, the tract is rich in species that are uncommon. It appears to be an important nesting ground for neotropical birds that are rapidly losing suitable habitats across the country.

Q Just how rare is it to have a forest like this inside a metropolitan area?

A It will be one of the largest—if not the largest—old-growth forests in an urban park in the United States. You won’t find very many forests of this quality anywhere—even in national parks and wildlife refuges. WHAT THE EXPERTS SAY